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High-quality data labeling for maritime AI training - from detecting weather conditions to spotting cracks on hulls, measuring distances, and much more!

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Expert Labeling
of Maritime Data

Maritime Data Annotation services for a wide range of computer vision applications.
Maritime Data Annotation

The maritime industry uses AI in various unique ways, from better navigation systems to predictive maintenance, logistics, and even staffing. All these uses require rigorous machine learning based on accurately labeled data. These training datasets can be combined from different open-source databases, created from scratch, or synthetically generated by another AI.

Keymakr helps maritime innovators create these powerful training datasets so you can focus on what matters most - creating amazing solutions.

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Annotation Types

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01. Automatic Annotation

Fast AI-assisted labeling for your maritime data - our team will ensure that the process is accurate with layers of human verification.

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Automatic Annotation

02. Bounding Box

Manually label individual objects such as ships, buoys, containers, and so on in your images or aerial footage.

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Bounding Box

03. Oriented Bounding Box

Adds precision to the label by orienting the bounding box at the angle at which your object is moving in to show facing and direction.

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Oriented Bounding Box

04. Cuboid

This technique allows us to estimate the 3D properties of an object from an image - useful for things like containers, boats, etc.

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05. Polygon

Helps label irregular items and specific objects such as images showing cracks or defects, or non-standard shapes like buoys.

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06. Semantic Segmentation

Classifies all objects in an image or video into types for more accurate training - providing AI the ability to comprehend full scenes.

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Semantic Segmentation

07. Instance Segmentation

Breaks your maritime data into more granular details where each instance of an object gets a separate label and color.

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Instance Segmentation

08. Custom

Most maritime companies who work with AI opt to develop unique training datasets that combine different approaches for accuracy.

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Professional Data Annotation
the Maritime Industry


Get accurately labeled maritime data for your AI training from expert annotation teams!

01. Autonomous Ships

Autonomous Ships

Train AI to take over various ship operations to automate the transportation process at any stage. Take advantage of carefully labeled datasets to:

  • Monitor the state and status of cargo containers at all times.
  • Detect changing weather conditions and respond accordingly.
  • Propose alternative routes with improved navigation capabilities.
  • Simplify your document handling, port calls, and the refueling process.

02. Optimal Supply Chains

Supply Chains

High-resolution, well-labeled images and videos can greatly enhance your logistics. You can automate container inspections, identify damaged cargo, streamline the loading and unloading process, and greatly improve your transport’s overall performance.

Clean, standardized data allows computer vision to learn and improve its accuracy over time, helping you avoid delays and minimize disruptions for a generally more efficient supply chain.

03. Proactive Maintenance

Proactive Maintenance

You can train AI to detect overheating components in real time or use video to inspect for cracks or corrosion on critical parts. Clean, standardized visual data helps you detect anomalies quickly and efficiently. This allows your crews to address potential problems before they escalate into major breakdowns.

Accurately labeled data helps you maximize equipment uptime, ensures crew safety, and streamlines your maintenance procedures on and off the vessel.

04. Beyond Operations

predictive activities

Accurately labeled data helps your computer vision systems understand and predict every process. With good datasets and vision, you can move into predictive activities:

  • Predict bottlenecks during port calls and plan accordingly.
  • Minimize risks to cargo and crew by predicting weather conditions.
  • Safeguard fragile marine habitats and ensure sustainable fishing.
  • Dynamically balance loads for better ship handling and distribution.
  • Reduce waiting times by optimizing for just-in-time arrivals.


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"Delivering Quality and Excellence"

The upside of working with Keymakr is their strategy to annotations. You are given a sample of work to correct before they begin on the big batches. This saves all parties time and...


"Great service, fair price"

bility to accommodate different and not consistent workflows.
Ability to scale up as well as scale down.
All the data was in the custom format that...


"Awesome Labeling for ML"

I have worked with Keymakr for about 2 years on several segmentation tasks.
They always provide excellent edge alignment, consistency, and speed...



We created a proprietary annotation platform with enterprise-grade tools capable of achieving pixel-perfect labeling for all your AI training datasets.

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Keylabs can help you handle annotation projects of any complexity. Our platform was originally created for internal use, so usability and quality are main priorities. Keylabs features a full suite of annotation techniques that can be adapted for your specific needs.

You can work with projects of any size and label vast quantities of data. The in-built management tools will help you collaborate on projects and get the most out of your data.