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Synthetic Data
for Computer Vision

Enhance your AI models with our privacy-preserving, high-quality synthetic data that mirrors your real-world data distributions for improved accuracy and unbiased insights.

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How it Works

There are lots of options for AI companies in search of image annotation.

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1. Input

Talk to our Data Solutions Architect and provide a few image samples from your current datasets.

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2. Analysis

Together, we find the best generative AI model for your specific needs with a tailored approach.

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3. Pilot

We start working with the model to seamlessly slot it into your business process. Human experts craft tailored prompts and ensure high-quality visuals.

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4. Generation

After a successful first batch, we generate a vast library of custom images and videos, refining them with your input for optimal results.

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5. Validation

Our specialists continually verify the quality of your generated training data. It’s seamlessly integrated into your AI/ML model development pipeline.

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Find & Create the Right Images for Optimal Performance

Synthetic data can help retrain your models with ease and provides a significant boost for your defect detection, quality assessment & hundreds of applications in AI Computer Vision model development.

Talk to a Data Solutions Architect

Some Defefcts...

Not enough images? Synthetic data generation

Turn 10 Training images into 10,000 with Generative AI


Generate vast amounts of data on-demand, overcoming limitations of real-world availability.


Ensure compliance with data regulations by using synthetic data that is not tied to any real individuals.


Create diverse datasets that accurately reflect real-world scenarios, mitigating bias and enhancing model performance.


Easily scale your synthetic data generation to match the growing needs of your models.


Tailor your synthetic data to match specific use cases, edge scenarios, and target distributions.

Supercharge your Computer Vision model training with state-of-the-art models for augmenting your data. Use generative AI to train models quickly & efficiently.

How Keymakr can help you leverage generative AI

There are lots of options for AI companies in search of image annotation. We are here to enable you to produce endless datasets that fit specific training needs. Save time and effort for your team by feeding clean-generated data directly into your pipeline. Overcome limitations of real-world datasets such as privacy concerns, lack of diversity, and so on.

01.Platform Choice & Expertise

Platform Choice & Expertise

We partner with you to leverage the strengths of leading generative AI platforms and discover the best solution for you. Depending on your specific needs, we can employ industry-leading generative tools provided by Google, OpenAI, and others - or create custom environments for your project based on Stable Diffusion and other models.

02.Fast Image & Video Generation

Fast Image & Video Generation

You provide the vision, and we use AI to generate a vast library of images and videos tailored to your specific needs. Need close-up shots in various lighting conditions? Or diverse demographics represented in dataset materials? AI-powered image and video creation makes it possible. Moreover, all generated images come pre-labeled for you to easily use in your training.

03.Training Data Powerhouse

Training Data Powerhouse

The more data you have, the better your models learn and perform, leading to superior accuracy and real-world effectiveness with modern machine learning synthetic data. You can use generated data in all sorts of industries:

  • Missing values (for example, if someone forgot to record particular information)
  • Outliers (values that are much higher or lower than others)
  • Normal distribution

And much more! Any real-world data you can think of can be generated.

04.Human Supervision

Human Supervision

We go beyond simply creating visuals. We ensure the quality and consistency of your AI-generated data, aligning it with your project goals and desired outcomes. Generated datasets have a common concern of being potentially unrealistic or irrelevant. At Keymakr, we overcome this by verifying everything in your datasets with layers of human inputs.

05.Expertise & Efficiency

Expertise & Efficiency

Our team of AI specialists streamlines the entire process, freeing you to focus on what matters most – developing groundbreaking applications for your AI models. We ensure the superior quality of synthetic data for machine learning. Our job is to handle your data and its validation - yours is to get great innovative products on the market.

06.Responsible AI Development

Responsible AI Development

We prioritize responsible AI practices throughout the process, ensuring ethical data generation and addressing potential biases. To ensure your data is clean and actionable, we will run tests in different models and diversify the generation streams - this will ensure your pre-annotated data doesn’t fall prey to specific biases present in only a single model.

Generate Hyper-Realistic
Training Data With Keymakr

Access a limitless library of custom-generated images and videos for your computer vision models. Use generative AI to create clean training data:


All generated data comes labeled and ready for use in training.

Pre-annotated icon


Easily slot generated images into your machine-learning models for quick results.

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Generate realistic data free from common gaps in regular datasets.

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Purpose-made for your specific industry and customized for your needs.

Tailored icon
Don’t settle for a generic dataset! Keymakr can help you unlock the power of generative AI to create the perfect training ground for your computer vision models, all on your platform of choice.



We created a proprietary annotation platform with enterprise-grade tools capable of achieving pixel-perfect labeling for all your AI training datasets.

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Keylabs can help you handle annotation projects of any complexity. Our platform was originally created for internal use, so usability and quality are main priorities. Keylabs features a full suite of annotation techniques that can be adapted for your specific needs.

You can work with projects of any size and label vast quantities of data. The in-built management tools will help you collaborate on projects and get the most out of your data.