What is Synthetic Data?

Synthetic data has been taking the AI training world by storm, offering several benefits over real-world data. It's less expensive to create, comes with automatic labels, and avoids the ethical and privacy issues of using real examples. With synthetic data technology, users can generate customized data quickly and in any quantity, meeting their specific needs.

The significance of synthetic data lies in its ability to speed up data science projects, lower software development costs, and facilitate privacy-compliant data sharing. It provides a reliable and scalable alternative to real data, reshaping the AI and machine learning fields.

Key Takeaways

  • Synthetic data is computer-generated data used for testing and training AI models.
  • It addresses the challenges of obtaining high-quality, diverse, and representative real-world data.
  • Synthetic data is cheaper to produce, automatically labeled, and mitigates privacy concerns.
  • It enables users to generate customized data in any desired quantity, tailored to specific needs.
  • Synthetic data accelerates data science projects, reduces costs, and enables privacy-compliant data sharing.

Synthetic Data Definition

Synthetic data is just data created by algorithms to mimic real-world patterns. This kind of generation generation helps organizations tackle data availability, privacy, and bias issues.

We're talking about artificial data that mirrors real-world patterns, protecting sensitive information. This is vital for handling behavioral and time-series data, where privacy must be maintained while insights are gained.

AI-Generated vs. Mock Data

It's crucial to distinguish AI-generated synthetic data from mock data. Both are alternatives to real data, but they differ in creation and properties. AI-generated data is trained on real samples, capturing patterns and statistics without personal info.

Mock data, however, is randomly generated or follows set rules. It lacks the statistical depth of AI-generated data. While useful for testing, it doesn't replicate real-world complexities.

Structured vs. Unstructured Synthetic Data

Structured synthetic data, or tabular data, has defined fields and a schema. It's used in financial transactions, customer records, and sensor data. This type preserves privacy while enabling ML model training and analysis.

Unstructured synthetic data, including images and text, is more challenging to generate. Techniques like generative adversarial networks (GANs) create realistic images and videos. This opens doors for computer vision and natural language processing.

Type of Synthetic DataCharacteristicsExamples
StructuredTabular data with well-defined fields and schemaFinancial transactions, customer records, sensor readings
UnstructuredComplex data types without a fixed structureImages, videos, text

Synthetic data's applications are vast, affecting healthcare, finance, automotive, and retail. It's transforming data-driven decision-making, ensuring privacy and ethics. As data demands grow, synthetic data's role in AI and ML will become even more critical.

How Synthetic Data is Generated

The creation of synthetic data employs advanced deep generative algorithms. These algorithms use real data samples as training inputs. They analyze the data's intricate correlations and statistical properties. After training, they can produce new data points that mirror the original data's characteristics. Each new data point is completely synthetic.

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders are key techniques. GANs are especially popular in image recognition for their ability to create realistic synthetic images. VAEs, on the other hand, are adept at reconstructing the original data distributions, making them crucial in generative modeling.

Deep Generative Algorithms

Deep generative algorithms are the core of synthetic data creation. They use deep learning to produce diverse and realistic synthetic datasets. Some notable algorithms include:

  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
  • Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs)
  • Autoregressive Models

These algorithms learn the data's patterns and distributions. This enables them to generate new data that closely resembles the original. By adjusting the algorithms' parameters and architectures, researchers can enhance the quality and diversity of synthetic data.

Preventing Overfitting

Preventing overfitting is crucial in synthetic data generationOverfitting happens when the model becomes too specific to the training data. This can lead to the model memorizing the original data, compromising privacy.

To combat overfitting, techniques like regularization, dropout, and early stopping are used. These methods help the models capture the data's general patterns without revealing the original data's details.

Additionally, thorough validation and testing are conducted to evaluate the synthetic data's quality and privacy. Statistical measures and privacy assessments are performed. These ensure the synthetic data resembles the original while protecting sensitive information.

By employing deep generative algorithms and preventing overfitting, researchers can create high-quality synthetic data. This data retains the original data's characteristics while ensuring privacy. It opens up new avenues for data sharing and analysis.

Synthetic Data as a Better Way to Anonymize Data

In today's data-driven world, protecting individual privacy while leveraging valuable data insights has become a major challenge. Traditional data anonymization techniques, such as masking, randomization, and generalization, often fall short in preserving privacy and mitigating re-identification risks. Synthetic data emerges as a game-changer in the realm of data anonymization and privacy preservation.

Synthetic data is artificially generated data that mimics the statistical properties and patterns of real-world data without containing any personally identifiable information. It is created by training sophisticated machine learning models on original datasets. This way, synthetic data generators can create realistic yet entirely fictitious data points that retain the essential characteristics and correlations of the source data.

The power of synthetic data lies in its ability to eliminate the one-to-one relationship between the generated data and the original data subjects. This fundamental difference sets synthetic data apart from traditional anonymization techniques. While these methods can reduce the granularity of sensitive information, they still carry inherent re-identification risks.

Consider the following alarming statistic:

  • 87% of Americans can be re-identified with just three factors: gender, zip code, and date of birth, even after personally identifiable information has been removed from the dataset.

This highlights the vulnerability of traditional anonymization techniques and the pressing need for more robust privacy-preserving solutions like synthetic data.

By generating data from scratch while maintaining the statistical patterns and correlations of the original data, synthetic data effectively decouples the generated data points from real individuals. This eliminates the risk of re-identification and enables organizations to safely share and collaborate on sensitive data without compromising individual privacy.

Synthetic data | Keymakr

Ensuring the Quality of Synthetic Data

Ensuring the quality and accuracy of synthetic data is crucial. The success of machine learning models and data analysis hinges on reliable training data. Synthetic data accuracy is essential to avoid biased datasets and inaccurate predictions.

Synthetic data generators often include an automated quality assurance (QA) process. This verifies the synthetic data's faithfulness to the original data. By investing in quality checks, using multiple data sources, and validating synthetic data regularly, organizations can meet quality standards.

Automated Quality Assurance Process

An automated QA process is vital for synthetic data generation. It involves checks and evaluations to assess data quality and accuracy. For example, MOSTLY AI's generators have an automated Model Insight Report for comprehensive quality assessments.

The QA process includes several steps:

  1. Statistical analysis: The synthetic data is compared to the original to ensure statistical properties match.
  2. Data quality checks: The synthetic data is evaluated for completeness, validity, uniqueness, and consistency.
  3. Bias detection: The QA process identifies biases in the synthetic data to prevent their amplification.
  4. Model performance evaluation: Synthetic data is used to train models, and their performance is compared to real data.

Implementing an automated QA process ensures confidence in synthetic data quality. It identifies issues early, allowing for timely corrections and improvements.

Data Quality MetricDescription
AccuracyThe degree to which the synthetic data matches the real data
CompletenessThe extent to which the synthetic data covers all necessary attributes and records
ValidityThe adherence of the synthetic data to defined rules and constraints
UniquenessThe absence of duplicate records in the synthetic dataset
ConsistencyThe coherence and agreement of the synthetic data across different sources and generations

By focusing on these metrics and a robust QA process, organizations can ensure synthetic data quality. This enables the full potential of synthetic data in machine learning, data analysis, and AI applications while maintaining privacy and security.

The Benefits of Synthetic Data

Synthetic data brings numerous advantages, transforming how companies manage data, AI, employee loyalty, and stay competitive. It helps overcome privacy, safety, and regulatory hurdles, driving innovation and collaboration. This approach is key to unlocking new opportunities.

Cost Reduction and Greater Speed

One major benefit of synthetic data is its cost-effectiveness and speed. It's often cheaper to create synthetic data than to collect and annotate real data, especially when data is scarce or hard to obtain. This method allows companies to quickly produce high-quality data, speeding up development and decision-making.

Moreover, synthetic data eliminates the need for manual data labeling, saving time and resources. This is crucial in sectors like autonomous vehicles, where real data collection is expensive and risky. Synthetic data offers a safer, more efficient way to simulate scenarios and generate rare events.

Agility and More Intelligence

Synthetic data makes organizations more agile and intelligent in their decision-making. It allows companies to create data that meets specific needs, addressing gaps or biases in real data. This control leads to better AI model training, enhancing accuracy and performance.

Additionally, synthetic data reduces human bias in data generation. Algorithms create data that is representative and diverse, avoiding real-world biases. This results in more reliable and ethical AI systems across various domains.

Cutting-Edge Privacy

Synthetic data ensures top-notch privacy, enabling data sharing without compromising sensitive information. It generates realistic but fictitious data, ensuring compliance with privacy laws while fostering innovation and growth.

With synthetic data, privacy-compliant data sharing becomes possible. Different departments, teams, or external partners can access and analyze data safely. This promotes cross-company and cross-industry collaboration, offering significant economic benefits.

Cost ReductionGenerating synthetic data is often more cost-effective than collecting and annotating real-world data.
Greater SpeedSynthetic data enables faster development cycles and more agile decision-making.
AgilitySynthetic data allows organizations to augment datasets to address gaps or biases present in real-world data.
More IntelligenceSynthetic data helps remove human bias from the data generation process, leading to more reliable and ethical decision-making.
Cutting-Edge PrivacySynthetic data offers privacy protection, enabling data sharing and collaboration without compromising sensitive information.

By adopting synthetic data, organizations can streamline data access for data scientists and analysts. This leads to leaner processes, higher employee satisfaction, and increased market competitiveness. As data demands rise, synthetic data will be essential for innovation, privacy, and security.

Synthetic Data Enables Cross-Company Collaboration

Synthetic data not only facilitates privacy-compliant data sharing within organizations but also opens up new possibilities for data collaboration across companies and industries. This collaborative approach can lead to significant economic benefits for all parties involved. It allows for the exchange of valuable insights without compromising sensitive information.

One of the most significant advantages of synthetic data is its ability to streamline business processes and reduce bureaucratic hurdles. Data scientists and analysts can access the information they need more quickly. This enables them to focus on creating value rather than navigating complex data access protocols. Increased efficiency can result in leaner processes, higher employee satisfaction, and enhanced competitiveness.

J.P. Morgan's AI Research team has been at the forefront of utilizing synthetic data to accelerate research and model development in the financial services industry. Real data in this sector can be challenging to access due to privacy concerns, legal permissions, and technical aspects. However, by generating synthetic datasets, J.P. Morgan has been able to explore beyond historical data and support decision-making in novel situations.

Synthetic data has proven especially valuable in training fraud detection models. It allows for the multiplication of rare examples found in real data. This approach enables machine learning algorithms to learn from a more diverse and representative dataset, improving their accuracy and effectiveness. 

Synthetic Data ApplicationBenefits
Fraud DetectionMultiplying rare examples in real data for more effective algorithm training
Anti-Money LaunderingGenerating synthetic datasets to train models without exposing sensitive information
Customer Journey AnalysisCreating synthetic customer data to gain insights while preserving privacy
Market ExecutionSimulating market scenarios with synthetic data for improved decision-making

The success of J.P. Morgan's synthetic data initiatives has garnered significant interest from academic institutions such as Stanford, Cornell, and Carnegie Mellon University. This has led to collaborations aimed at advancing algorithm development in the financial sector.

The potential for synthetic data to enable cross-company collaboration extends far beyond the financial sector. As more industries recognize the value of data sharing and collaboration, synthetic data will play an increasingly crucial role. It will facilitate these partnerships while ensuring data privacy and security.


In today's data-driven world, companies are embracing synthetic data for AI and machine learning. Deep generative algorithms create accurate, diverse datasets. These mimic real-world data, ensuring privacy. This innovation drives progress in healthcare, finance, retail, and cybersecurity.

Synthetic data brings many advantages. It offers quick access to data, cuts costs, and boosts collaboration. It allows for data sharing without breaching privacy laws like HIPAA and GDPR. It also enables tailored datasets for specific needs. Plus, it helps in reducing AI model bias by creating balanced training data.


What is synthetic data?

Synthetic data is artificially created information that mirrors real-world data patterns and statistics. It serves as a cost-effective, privacy-respecting, and customizable substitute for actual data. It's particularly useful for training and testing AI models.

How is synthetic data generated?

Deep generative algorithms, like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs), generate synthetic data. These algorithms study the patterns, correlations, and statistical properties of real data. Then, they create new synthetic data points that retain these characteristics.

What is the difference between AI-generated synthetic data and mock data?

AI-generated synthetic data is crafted using machine learning algorithms trained on real data. This ensures it retains the statistical properties and correlations of the original data. In contrast, mock data is either randomly created or follows specific rules, lacking any meaningful statistical information.

Can synthetic data replace real data for AI training and testing?

Yes, high-quality synthetic data can act as a direct substitute for sensitive production data in non-production settings. It accurately mirrors the original data, allowing for the development and testing of AI models without compromising privacy or data integrity.

How does synthetic data help with data anonymization?

Synthetic data provides a superior anonymization solution compared to traditional methods. It's generated from scratch, preserving the patterns and correlations of the original data. This approach eliminates re-identification risks, making it ideal for privacy-compliant data sharing and collaboration.

What are the benefits of using synthetic data?

Synthetic data offers significant advantages, including cost savings, increased speed, and enhanced privacy. It helps organizations balance data privacy and utility, facilitating secure data sharing and collaboration across industries and companies.

In which industries is synthetic data commonly used?

Synthetic data finds applications in finance, healthcare, insurance, and telecommunications. It's used for AI training, analytics, software testing, demoing, and creating personalized products. This ensures customer privacy and regulatory compliance.

How can organizations ensure the quality and accuracy of synthetic data?

Synthetic data generators often employ an automated quality assurance (QA) process. This process evaluates the accuracy and quality of the synthetic data against the original dataset. It ensures that the synthetic data accurately reflects the real data's patterns and correlations.